From History of Physics at Sussex
- 1 Information about people connected with the department
- 1.1 Office-holders
- 1.2 Faculty members
- 1.3 In memoriam
- 1.4 Reminiscences from (and of) faculty members, past and present
- 1.5 Reminiscences from visiting faculty
- 1.6 Reminiscences from former postdocs
- 1.7 Reminiscences from former students
- 1.8 Reminiscences from former technical staff
- 1.9 Reminiscences from former secretarial staff
Information about people connected with the department
List of people who held various posts in the department
Faculty members
People who held faculty positions in the department, with dates
In memoriam
Reminiscences from (and of) faculty members, past and present
Reminiscences from visiting faculty
Reminiscences from former postdocs
Reminiscences from former students
Reminiscences from former technical staff
Reminiscences from former secretarial staff